On May 14th, my parents arrived in Fukuyama to spend 6 weeks with us. The plan was that they would arrive about 3 weeks before my due date so that we would have time to enjoy a bit of sightseeing around town, allow them to figure out the boy's routines, and a bit of leeway in case the baby came early. That would leave us with 3 weeks after the birth of the baby, give or take.
The timing ended up being absolutely perfect, since our little bundle decided to make her appearance three days before her due date. Rosemary Blythe Reimer was born on June 5th, weighing 3890 g (8 lbs. 9 oz.) and measuring 53 cm (21 in.). My labour was very fast and easy and we are both healthy and doing amazingly well. I will most definitely be writing a more detailed description of my birth experience in the near future, but will probably put it under a separate section of the blog for those of you who have absolutely no interest in reading the nitty gritty details :)

The boys are absolutely thrilled to have a little sister and baby in the house. Theo assumed the role of protective and doting big brother right away. William surprisingly doesn't seem too bummed out that he is no longer the baby but has been shifted to middle child status. He isn't as interested in her as Theo, but always gives a token "aaaaawwwwww!!!!" when he sees her. It really helps that grandma and grandpa are around to shower him with attention and bicycle rides when I have my hands full, so he is not feeling too neglected.
For now I am just trying to survive the demands of a newborn while enjoying the last week and a half of my parents help and company. I sure will miss them when they are gone!